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The My Haemophilia Centre (MHC) is a mobile application (app) that has been developed by Pfizer Ltd, in conjunction with the Royal London Haemophilia Centre, for haemophilia patients in the UK. The application is intended to provide information to help patients with haemophilia understand more about their condition, as well as provide useful features to help manage their day-to-day lives.

The app is designed to provide patients with:

The centres are able to edit their own specific centre information that appears on the MHC app through an online dashboard. This makes it quick and easy for changes to be made or push-notifications to be sent out at any time.

The package for this donation includes:

The My Haemophilia Centre app is currently being used by at least 6 UK Haemophilia Comprehensive Care Centres (CCC) and is available for up to 20 UK Haemophilia CCC for a minimum commitment of 2 years. The application will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis providing the following criteria are met:


PP-UNP-GBR-3171 / December 2022
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