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HomeResponsibilityEquitable Access to MedicinesInternational Trachoma InitiativeInternational Trachoma InitiativeCo-founded in 1998 with a grant from Pfizer and the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, the International Trachoma Initiative (ITI) aims to meet the World Health Organization's (WHO) call to eliminate trachoma, the world's leading infectious cause of blindness, by 2030.1

Repeated trachoma infections can cause the eyelids to turn in and lashes to scrape the eyeball with each blink, causing great pain and corneal scarring.This condition is called trachomatous trichiasis, and without immediate, corrective surgery, a person with trichiasis will slowly and painfully become blind.1

Trachoma is both a cause and consequence of inequity and is endemic in areas where safe water is scarce and environmental sanitation is limited.It is believed to be a public health problem in 42 countries with more than 125 million people living in trachoma-endemic areas globally.1

However, it is treatable and preventable.The World Health Organization (WHO) endorses a series of simple interventions known as the SAFE Strategy: Surgery, Antibiotics, Facial cleanliness and Environmental improvements.

Since 1999, Pfizer has donated over 1 billion antibiotic treatments in 40 countries.As part of its global commitment to eliminate trachoma, as well as its aim to expand equitable healthcare access globally, Pfizer has committed to extending its antibiotic donation to the International Trachoma Initiative (ITI) through 2030 to help achieve global elimination of trachoma. 

Through decades of working together we are already seeing tremendous progress. For example, as of July 2023, 18 countries have been validated for elimination of trachoma as a public health problem, 2  including Cambodia, Ghana, Islamic Republic of Iran, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, People's Republic of China, and The Gambia.

“Pfizer has a long and proud history in the development of antibiotics. It is both uplifting and humbling to see our science working in combination with the SAFE Strategy to benefit such a large number of people in such a significant way.”Dr Berkeley Philips, Medical Director, Pfizer UK


Global Aid and Emergency Relief

Pfizer Inc. has a three part approach to aid and emergency relief: medicine donations, cash grants, and humanitarian assistance programmes.


Medicines Donations 

We have been a proud supporter of International Health Partners (IHP) for around 15 years.


  1. World Health Organization. Last accessed May 2024.

  2. International Trachoma Initiative. Last accessed May 2024.

  3. International Trachoma Initiative. Last accessed May 2024.

  4. International Trachoma Initiative. Last accessed May 2024

  5. World Health Organization. Last accessed May 2024.

PP-UNP-GBR-9245 / May 2024
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