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HomePartnershipsWorking with the NHS and other Healthcare Organisations Business Skills Workshops

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Thank you for submitting your interest in our business skills workshops. A member of the team will be in touch with you shortly.

Business Skills WorkshopsThe Business Skills Workshops (BSW) programme is a series of educational modules that has been developed by Pfizer to support individuals and organisations within the NHS to enhance their knowledge and skills related to service improvement.

The programme consists of a series of eight educational workshops which can be delivered either as half day workshops, or separate modules in a virtual or face to face setting. The modules will be delivered by a Pfizer Healthcare Partnership Manager or Clinical Effectiveness Consultant who understand your local NHS environment, whilst also having knowledge and experience of using these business skills in a commercial environment.

The current range of workshops include:

Download a summary of the modules (PDF)

Apply for the Business Skills Workshops

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PP-UNP-GBR-8888 / April 2024
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